Coolsculpting Combats Back Fat & Bra Bulge

Cryolipolysis is the scientific name for freezing fat, causing it to crystallize and eliminate naturally through the body’s waste process. Most know the process by a much catchier name: Coolsculpting. Most also recognize Coolsculpting as the healthy and fit person’s secret to getting rid of stubborn back fat. Women especially have turned to the procedure for assistance with a version of back fat known as “bra bulge”.
(Read New York City Med Spa Offers CoolSculpting For Hot Summer Days)
Where does back fat come from?
Your tummy fat and those love handles are target areas that you see in the mirror all the time but what about that elusive back fat? Three large groups of muscles known as the extensor, flexor and oblique, intersect or overlap to form the human back. Over time, those muscles and your skin begin to sag, resulting in pockets that fill with fat.
In the past, the ensuing bulges could only be removed via liposuction, which came with a degree of risk. Surrounding muscle and tissue could end up scarred or damaged. This would clearly run contrary to the concept of cosmetic surgery.
This opened the door for the Coolsculpting revolution. There is no damage to surrounding tissue because only the fat is treated. There is no surgery. Coolsculpting is non-invasive, thus minimum chance of scarring. Our technicians simply apply a hand-piece, sucking only fat into the device and proceed to cool it to a near freezing point.
What happens to the back fat?
Have you ever frozen a stick of butter? Of course, you haven’t. You probably have left one out, though. It was easier to spread, right? Now imagine the opposite. There is a lot of fat in butter. If extreme cold is applied to those fat molecules, it will not only grow more solid. It will crystallize. The same process occurs when Coolsculpting is applied to body fat.
How many treatments will it take?
Large areas of the body, like the back, typically require multiple treatments. There is no need for anesthesia, nor is there a need for any downtime. With a larger-sized applicator, a patient could be done in just one treatment and return to normal activities immediately afterwards.
Upper back fat does create bra bulge, which may be a woman’s concern, but men are just as likely to seek the benefits of Coolsculpting. They too have backs, with unwanted fat. Eliminate your back fat. Schedule an appointment today!