About Laser Hair Removal

Eureka Body Care & Spa is New York’s leading provider for removing unwanted, bothersome hair. We use advanced laser hair removal technology to deliver permanent hair reduction and eliminate hair growth at the source! Stop wasting your time and money on temporary methods like shaving and waxing only to get stubble the next week. Instead, get long-lasting smooth skin for life with just six to twelve laser treatments. Our New York practice delivers the best laser treatment for all skin and hair types.

How Laser Hair Removal Works

Our MeDioStar diode laser sends pulses of light energy over the area with unwanted hair. The light energy safely enters the skin and targets the pigment in the hair follicle root. The pigment absorbs the light energy, heats up, and destroys the cells that produce hair growth. As a result, the nutrient source for the follicle is cut off, disabling the follicle from growing more hair. For successful results, clients will need multiple treatments. That’s because laser hair removal only works on hairs in the anagen stage of the growth cycle.

The Three Stages of Hair Growth

Every hair goes through a growth cycle of three stages: the anagen stage, the catagen stage, and the telogen stage.

The anagen stage is the only stage that laser hair removal is successful. In this stage, hair is attached to the follicle and receives nutrients that produce hair growth. That’s why it’s referred to as the active growing stage. In order for the laser to destroy the source of growth, the light energy must travel down the hair shaft to destroy the follicle root. That can only be done if the hair is attached to the follicle root.

The second stage is the catagen stage. During this stage, hair disconnects from the follicle root and cuts off the nutrient supply. The telogen phase is when a catagen hair is pushed out by the growth of a new anagen hair, therefore restarting the growth cycle. 

Since individual strands of hair grow at different rates, there’s no way to know which phase a hair is in. Furthermore, some stages last longer than others due to hormonal and nutritional factors. Multiple treatments are needed to target each hair in the anagen phase. Eureka Body Care & Spa recommends a minimum of 6 to 12 treatments followed by occasional touch-ups to target hairs that weren’t targeted during the anagen stage.

The Astanza MeDioStar

As New York’s leading aesthetic laser provider, Eureka Body Care & Spa uses only the latest laser technology to deliver the best treatments and results for our clients. Our Astanza MeDioStar laser produces the fastest treatments and long-lasting hair removal results for all skin types.

The MeDioStar is an advanced diode laser that produces 810 nm and 940 nm wavelengths for optimal melanin absorption in the deepest hair follicles. The MeDioStar uses groundbreaking technology to target melanin in the hair while leaving the surrounding skin tissue unharmed. The MeDioStar laser is renowned amongst physicians, medspas, and patients worldwide, for its diversity and safety when treating all skin and hair types, including dark skin types IV-VI and even newly tanned skin!

Our MeDioStar features a L and S handpiece for precise treatment on all body areas, including large and small areas like the legs, back, chest, underarms, bikini area, knuckles, and face. The handpiece also includes a built-in 360º contact skin cooling system that immediately alleviates and cools the skin before each treatment pulse, maximizing patient comfort and reducing thermal injury. We also use a hygienic single-use protection cap over the handpiece to carry out proper hygiene and cleanliness for every treatment. 

For the best hair removal results in New York, call Eureka Body Care & Spa today and get treated with our state-of-the-art MeDioStar laser!


Small Areas:
Underarms / Basic Bikini / Upper + Lower Lip / Chin / Front OR Back of Neck / Happy Trail / Areola / Ears / Nose / Hands + Fingers / Feet + Toes


Medium Areas:
Extended Bikini / Full Face / Full Neck / Upper OR Lower Arms / Shoulders / Ladies Abdomen / Ladies Chest / Ladies Upper OR Lower Back / Glutes.


Large Areas:
Brazilian Bikini / Upper OR Lower Legs / Full Arms / Ladies Full Back/ Men’s Chest / Men’s Abdomen/ Men’s Upper OR Lower Back


X-Large Areas:
Full Legs / Men’s Full Back


Full Body Package / Upper Body Package / Lower Body Package / Single Area Package / Multiple Area Package

Laser Hair Removal

MeDioStar NeXT Pro

Laser technology has been around for over half a century. It was used as a removal tool for unwanted hair as early as the mid 1960s and was finally approved by the FDA in 1997. Since then there have been a lot of different variations of the machine trying to make the procedure faster, less painful, and generally more pleasant.

The MeDioStar NeXT Pro is the newest evolution of the hair removal laser that excels in all the criteria above taking hair removal to an entirely new level. The technology allows fast and essentially painless treatment. It’s the most popular and powerful high speed hair removal machine worldwide, allowing treatment of large areas such as the entire back in only 5 minutes! The device can address a wide variety of skin concerns, combining dual wavelength function with smooth pulse technology. Thanks to the fiber bundle delivery it generates the flattest beam possible, making the removal process even more effective. As far as patient comfort, the device is equipped with a peltier cooling chip that controls skin temperature that allows more comfort than the widely used sapphire cooling system used by most hair removal devices.

What is Laser?

Laser stands for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation“ and has been gaining popularity since it’s invention in 1960. Today it is used in different branches of science and technology as well as in medicine. Goldman was the first to use it for dermatological purposes in 1963.

Laser is a light source that emits a narrow beam of a defined wavelength. Its uniform waves propagate with little divergence, i.e. they are almost parallel. There are different kinds of lasers depending on wavelength (from ultraviolet to infrared) and laser powers (from a few fractions of a milliwatt for use in diagnostics to the kilowatt range of high-power lasers for use in industry). In the case of continuous emission we refer to the laser as continuous-wave laser (cw)
In the case of single pulse excitation it is called a pulser laser. It’s Q switch laser when excitation energy is collected and then followed by a sudden release.

Special Laser Hair Removal packages available for purchase here.


 How often do I need to have Laser Hair Removal treatments?

To achieve the best result it’s recommended to schedule an appointment every 6-8 weeks.
After 6-8 such procedures most of our clients usually need a touch up package with 8-12 week intervals until all hair is removed.

How many procedures will I need to have my unwanted body hair removed for good?

It usually takes 6 to 8 sessions to lose 60-90% of unwanted body hair. If we are working on large areas with more unruly hair, more procedures may be required.

What are chances of my hair growing back?

We guarantee that there are no such chances and we have hundreds of successful cases to refer to. As stated on our website, Eureka offers permanent hair removal. The way the procedure works is to damage hair follicles and make re growth impossible. However hormonal changes may trigger growth of new hair especially on chin and facial area. It is also possible that a few hair follicles partially escaped the laser beam during the procedures. Both of these cases can be resolved with additional sessions.

Do you offer late evening appointments? 

Yes, we offer late evening hours as well as weekend appointments. MeDioStar laser, the laser hair removal technology we use works up to 10 times faster than other laser hair removal machines currently available. It is also compatible with different size headpieces allowing us to treat larger areas faster. Getting rid of unwanted hair on your back will take no longer than 5 minutes! You can do it on your lunch break! Our laser hair removal procedure is painless and needs no recovery time!

How painful are the procedures?

Thanks to advanced the MeDioSTAR Laser and it’s chilled tip, the pain is reduced to a minimum. Laser hair removal feels like a warm heat sensation on the skin. However if your pain tolerance is low, Lidocaine 5 mg topical ointment will help the case.

Is there anything I should do in preparation for my laser hair removal session?

Our specialists advise exfoliating and/or shaving the procedure designated areas one night prior to the appointment. Waxing should be done at least two weeks before your appointment at Eureka. Please note that your appointment may be cancelled or an extra charge may apply if you come in without preparation.

What are your prices?

Our prices are competitive. Always keep an eye on our online specials for the best pricing options available. Taxes and gratuities are not included in the price. We offer free consultation so you can find out more about the services we offer and get a customized laser hair removal treatment for your skin tone and hair type. Our certified, trained professionals will help you learn more about our services and help you choose the right one.

Visit us at 37 East 28th Street, Suite 700, New York, NY 10016 or call (212) 858-0706.

Call Eureka Body Care and Spa after 10:00 AM

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