If you are considering switching to laser hair removal, there is a chance you are looking for a more permanent solution for your “hairy” problem. Or maybe you are tired of the skin irritation and burns caused by traditional hair removal methods and want to opt for something less painful. Laser hair removal is often advertised as a “painless” treatment for unwanted body hair.
But exactly how painless is it?
Unlike shaving or waxing, the effects of which can last anywhere from a day to a week, laser hair removal lasts years. The treatment process involves a light source that emits a narrow beam of a defined wavelength which damages the hair follicle and stops its ability to grow hair. The sensation is most often described as something closely resembling the snap of a rubber band. While some find the heat from the laser to be nothing more than holding a hand near a hot curling iron, others report feeling a bit hotter than just a damp.
The variety of opinions stems from various factors that should be carefully take into account before deciding to go through with the procedure.
The intensity of pain during a laser hair removal session can depend on:
Treatment Area
Skin is our largest sensing organ but it’s not equally sensitive all over the body. Some areas simply have fewer cutaneous receptors than others, resulting in less pain when removing hair from those areas. More intimate areas, like the bikini line, hurt more.
Your Pain Tolerance
We’re all the same, yet we’re all very different. So is our perception of pain. Some can tolerate more and some less, it all depends on you. You might think you are good at enduring pain or the other way around, but keep in mind, you can have incredibly high pain tolerance for some things, whereas other things might “get under your skin” easily.
Treatment Equipment
This might come off as a surprise, but equipment plays a big role in how much your next laser hair removal procedure will hurt. The thing is that, as with other technology, laser hair removal machines are constantly being redesigned and upgraded to offer a better experience. New lasers come with an air-cooling feature, which allows the specialist to cool down the irritated skin mid-procedure. This helps reduce post-treatment redness and swelling.
Laser hair removal is a beauty procedure. Nonetheless, you should make informed choices, especially because it involves your body and health. Consult with a specialist beforehand to gain a better understanding of the treatment, and then decide if it’s for you. Since many of the factors that can lead to a painful experience can’t be predicted that easily, it would be wise to start small. Try laser hair removal on a smaller area first. This way, if you are unhappy, you’ll save yourself from having to endure too much pain (or any at all) and wasting money!
Another thing you should probably know before booking an appointment:
Since laser hair removal is most effective on short visible hair, clients are required to shave the target area a few days in advance and allow stubble to grow back in time for the treatment. So your shaving days might not be over just yet!