CoolSculpting – Freeze your fat off!
Unwanted body fat is something many of us struggle with on daily basis.There is nothing embarrassing about wanting to look different and beauty clinics have embraced that thought by offering a wide selection of procedures for shaping our bodies.
Coolsculpting is one of the methods that stands out by comparison: It’s safe, long-lasting, pain free and comparatively inexpensive.
What exactly is CoolSculpting and how does it work?
Coolsculpting is a non invasive fat reducing procedure that uses controlled cooling to destroy fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. It’s a great way to get rid of unwanted fat for those of us who don’t feel comfortable having surgery.
The vacuum cup that’s attached to the machine freezes problematic areas by by applying low temperature, which is safe and FDA approved. The treated areas defrost after the treatment and a massage to speeds up blood flow.
What should I be aware of before going into procedure?
Don’t expect dramatic weight loss.
Even though people who try Coolsculpting lose weight, it’s by no means a weight loss procedure. It’s meant to reduce fat in places that aren’t easily addressed by diet or exercise, such as the area under the chin, flanks, abdomen and thighs.
There is no downtime, but the safe and effective results are not immediate. After the procedure your body needs to flush out the dead fat cells through your lymph system so you won’t see results right away. The elimination can take from 2 weeks to 3 months. But what’s cool about coolsculpting ( yes, pun intended ) is the lack of downtime! You can get on with your life immediately after treatment and admire your body from day to day as the results of the procedure become more and more pronounced.
Want to see CoolSculpting in action ? Watch the video below.