Tag Archives for " hair removal "

Is laser hair removal safe?

Is laser hair removal safe

Shaving, waxing or plucking—if you are someone who is struggling with unwanted body hair, at least one of these hair-removal methods must be a part of your everyday routine, unless you’ve made a decision to save some time and money and have your hair permanently removed. According to 2012 statistics, laser hair removal was the […]


If you are considering switching to laser hair removal, there is a chance you are looking for a more permanent solution for your “hairy” problem. Or maybe you are tired of the skin irritation and burns caused by traditional hair removal methods and want to opt for something less painful. Laser hair removal is often […]

Why Laser Hair Removal?

Human body is an incredible machine that has been adapting itself to the environment since the beginning of mankind. Evolution has blesses humans with some great features like the ability to walk on two legs to save energy. Seems like we are a pretty resourceful species, except all that body hair that’s absolutely useless. Or […]