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A Quick CoolSculpting Q & A

CoolSculpting Q&A

Your ideal physical form is already there. Let CoolSculpting chip that fat away and reveal it to the world. So, I bet you have questions. CoolSculpting does sound…well…cool! Lucky for you, we have all the questions and answers you will need for this quick CoolSculpting Q & A.

Q: How does CoolSculpting work?

A: CoolSculpting is an FDA-approved procedure conceived by the best scientific minds at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital. Basically, its technology targets fat cells beneath the skin and freezes them to death. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than surrounding tissues and crystallize faster than normal cells. This results in zero skin or nerve damage. Once those fat cells die, the body metabolizes them, eliminates them, and ends up looking quite sculpted.

Q: Does CoolSculpting have any side effects?

A: If you seek treatment at qualified providers like Eureka Body Care & Spa, the process is totally safe. Some minor side effects may occur around the treated area, such as redness, minor bruising, tingling, numbness or mild discomfort. Any risk associated with CoolSculpting is minor, especially when compared to surgical alternatives.

Q: What is the difference between CoolSculpting and liposuction?

A: Speaking of surgical alternatives, liposuction may be a far more familiar term to the public but since it is a surgical procedure, it does require general anesthesia. That consideration alone already deters many from considering that option. Liposuction is invasive. It relies on large tubes and entails at least a week or two of recovery time. CoolSculpting involves none of that. Not only does it require zero downtime, you can get stuff done while it is being performed.

Q: Does CoolSculpting take the place of diet and exercise?

A: We knew you were going to ask that. That’s why we are not only asking the question but answering it for you as well. There is no easy way out and nothing worth having comes easy. Is that enough cliché for you? Nothing takes the place of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise. However, there are options that will help you accomplish your desired outcome. Everyone has problem areas that seem to resist even the most stringent diet and persistent exercise habits.

Q: What areas of the body does CoolSculpting specialize in?

A: Odds are, you’ve heard of one of these problems and may just be seeking the means to eliminate one or more as you read this. There are the affectionately titled love handles. There are nuisances with culinary terms such as muffin tops or banana rolls. There’s thigh fat, belly fat, back fat and even bra fat. Finally, the arch-enemy of jawlines everywhere: the double chin. These are those visible bulges that tend to evade even those who are at their ideal weight. Even the less visible areas that might irk you, such as inner knees and the backs of arms, are common areas of focus. CoolSculpting specializes in reshaping the body and leaves the shedding of pounds to diet and exercise.

We here at Eureka Body Care and Spa are true believers when it comes to freezing fat cells. This is no infomercial miracle cure. 

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